Kemp Smith Expands Legal Services to Include Guardianship, Adult Protection and Planning and Planning for Incapacity
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Kemp Smith is pleased to announce that Terry W. Hammond has joined the firm as a partner in the Business Department with primary practice areas in guardianship, adult and asset protection, estate planning, and probate law. Terry has extensive experience with assisting families and businesses in dealing with aging and incapacity and has worked on numerous cases in El Paso County and statewide since 1993. His advocacy has been reported in local and national publications including the New York Times and Associated Press and other media such as NBC Dateline and National Public Radio. Terry’s work with the El Paso County Probate Court to improve the Texas Adult Protective Services System received national attention in the 2005 Texas Legislative Session. Terry continues to advocate for systemic improvements to protect the vulnerable statewide and nationally while engaging in a very personal and caring law practice. Terry collaborates with businesses, fiduciaries, trustees, financial institutions, care providers, hospitals and the courts to achieve outcomes in the best interest of persons in need of appropriate planning and legal intervention when necessary.
Terry W. Hammond, Daniel Jaso and the Kemp Smith Corporate and Business Department are available to assist the firm’s clientele when capacity issues arise that may impact a person’s ability to manage his/her personal and/or financial affairs. The firm is available to facilitate planning to prepare for incapacity in both the family and professional setting and looks forward to more broadly meeting the personal and financial needs of the firm’s clientele.